Refugees cross to Canada to escape Donald Trump | Canada | Al Jazeera

Recently, hundreds of refugees have crossed the US border into Manitoba, braving snow and cold at great peril.

For five hours, Somalis Farhan Ahmed and Mohamed Mualim trekked through the barren and frigid snow-swept fields dividing North Dakota from the Canadian prairies. The snow was knee-deep and it was nearly -20 degrees Celsius.

Then, out of the darkness, a highway appeared. They had arrived in Canada. One of them pulled out their mobile phone to call 911.

“Wow, it was very, very cold,” Ahmed, 36, recalled. “You could not walk about the ice. It was too much. Sometimes, it reached our knees. We didn’t feel sometimes our hands, sometimes our feet.”

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For five hours, Somalis Farhan Ahmed and Mohamed Mualim trekked through the barren and frigid snow-swept fields dividing North Dakota from the Canadian prairies. The snow was knee-deep and it was nearly -20 degrees Celsius.

Then, out of the darkness, a highway appeared. They had arrived in Canada. One of them pulled out their mobile phone to call 911.

“Wow, it was very, very cold,” Ahmed, 36, recalled. “You could not walk about the ice. It was too much. Sometimes, it reached our knees. We didn’t feel sometimes our hands, sometimes our feet.”

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Source: Refugees cross to Canada to escape Donald Trump | Canada | Al Jazeera